provides a comprehensive list of Chandler malls and outlets (Arizona). For your shopping convenience we provide also store directories for selected Chandler shopping centers, as well as direct links to most store websites for online shopping and exclusive, web only offers.
The list of Chandler malls below is sorted by malls Gross Leasable Area (GLA).
Chandler Fashion Center
Chandler Fashion Center is enclosed mall located at Chandler Blvd. and Price Frwy., Chandler AZ
Chandler Fashion Center is enclosed mall located at Chandler Blvd. and Price Frwy., Chandler AZ
Chandler Pavilions
Address: 870 N. 54th St., Chandler Pavilions, Chandler, AZ 85226 Phone: (480) 961-4915
Chandler Pavilions is open air mall located at Ray Road and I-10, Chandler AZ
Address: 870 N. 54th St., Chandler Pavilions, Chandler, AZ 85226 Phone: (480) 961-4915
Chandler Pavilions is open air mall located at Ray Road and I-10, Chandler AZ
Chandler Festival
Address: Chandler Boulevard and Loop 101, Chandler, AZ 85224
Chandler Festival is open air mall located at Chandler Boulevard and Loop 101, Chandler AZ
Address: Chandler Boulevard and Loop 101, Chandler, AZ 85224
Chandler Festival is open air mall located at Chandler Boulevard and Loop 101, Chandler AZ
Fulton Ranch Towne Center
Fulton Ranch Towne Center is open air mall located at SWC of Ocotillo Rd. and Arizona Ave., Chandler AZ
Fulton Ranch Towne Center is open air mall located at SWC of Ocotillo Rd. and Arizona Ave., Chandler AZ
East Valley Mall and Plaza
Address: Arizona Ave and Warner Rd, Chandler, AZ 85225
East Valley Mall and Plaza is open air mall located at NWC Arizona Ave. and Warner Rd, Chandler AZ
Address: Arizona Ave and Warner Rd, Chandler, AZ 85225
East Valley Mall and Plaza is open air mall located at NWC Arizona Ave. and Warner Rd, Chandler AZ
Paseo Lindo
Paseo Lindo is open air mall located at NEC Arizona Avenue and Ocotillo Road, Chandler AZ
Paseo Lindo is open air mall located at NEC Arizona Avenue and Ocotillo Road, Chandler AZ
The Boulevard Shops
Address: Chandler Blvd and Loop 101, Chandler, AZ 85226
The Boulevard Shops is open air mall located at Chandler Blvd. and Loop 101, Chandler AZ
Address: Chandler Blvd and Loop 101, Chandler, AZ 85226
The Boulevard Shops is open air mall located at Chandler Blvd. and Loop 101, Chandler AZ
Chandler Village Center
Chandler Village Center is open air mall located at Frye Rd. and Chandler Village Dr. S., Chandler AZ
Chandler Village Center is open air mall located at Frye Rd. and Chandler Village Dr. S., Chandler AZ
Chandler Gateway
Chandler Gateway is open air mall located at Chandler Boulevard and 101, Chandler AZ
Chandler Gateway is open air mall located at Chandler Boulevard and 101, Chandler AZ
Las Tiendas Village
Las Tiendas Village is open air mall located at NEC Alma School and Queen Creek, Chandler AZ
Las Tiendas Village is open air mall located at NEC Alma School and Queen Creek, Chandler AZ
The Promenade at Fulton Ranch
The Promenade at Fulton Ranch is open air mall located at NEC Chandler Heights Rd. and Alma School Rd., Chandler AZ
The Promenade at Fulton Ranch is open air mall located at NEC Chandler Heights Rd. and Alma School Rd., Chandler AZ