Columbia Mall Stores - Grand Forks, North Dakota

Columbia Mall Stores

Columbia Mall Store Directory (Grand Forks, ND).

Columbia Mall Stores - A to Z

The list of Columbia Mall stores sorted alphabetically.

Store phone: 701-746-7383
Customer Service -Mall Office

Store phone: 701-772-3028
Magic Chop Stix

Store phone: 701-757-0920
Merle Norman

Store phone: 701-746-6150
Payless Shoesource

Store phone: 701-746-1354
Pets R' Inn

Store phone: 701-746-5555
Regis Hairstylists

Store phone: 701-746-1555
Ritz Camera One Hour Photo

Store phone: 701-746-0869
Royal Fork Buffet

Store phone: 701-738-0438
Shirt Connection

Store phone: 701-746-4240
Sterling Optical

Store phone: 701-772-3024

Store phone: 701-772-2950
Victoria's Secret

Store phone: 701-746-1483

Store phone: 701-772-4632
Wilson's Leather

Store phone: 701-746-9307