Fast Food and Restaurants - Serramonte Center - Daly City, California
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Fast Food and Restaurants

List of Fast Food and Restaurants in Serramonte Center (Daly City, CA).

Store phone: 650-757-8716
Auntie Anne's Pretzels

Store phone: 650-757-6833
Barracuda Japanese Restaurant

Store phone: 650-997-0668
Burger King

Store phone: 650-756-6042

Store phone: 650-756-8544

Store phone: 650-985-5667
Elephant Bar Restaurant

Store phone: 650-756-7446
Great Steak & Potato

Store phone: 650-991-2432
Hot Dog on a Stick

Store phone: 650-992-2610
Jamba Juice

Store phone: 650-992-6677
Lori's Diner

Store phone: 650-992-3663
Manila Bay Cuisine

Store phone: 650-992-9301
Marie Callender's

Store phone: 650-758-5944

Store phone: 650-992-7077
Mrs. Fields

Store phone: 650-991-9621
Orange Julius

Store phone: 650-991-8868
Panda Express

Store phone: 650-994-5728
Quick Grill

Store phone: 650-757-4996
Rubio's Fresh Mexican Grill

Store phone: 650-757-4526

Store phone: 650-997-4556

Store phone: 650-997-4559
Surf City Squeeze

Store phone: 650-991-7431
Taco Bell

Store phone: 650-756-6595
Thai Spice