Visalia Mall Store Directory (Visalia, CA).
Visalia Mall Stores - A to Z
The list of Visalia Mall stores sorted alphabetically.
Store phone: (559) 738-9228
All American Sports Fan
Store phone: (559) 635-8092
Chinese Gourmet Express
Store phone: (559) 738-0516
Store phone: (559) 636-8074
Store phone: (559) 627-1757
Store phone: (559) 732-2291
Dr. Serrins Optometrist
Store phone: (559) 734-7463
Feet For Life
Store phone: (559) 627-9252
John T's
Store phone: (559) 732-7557
Lerner New York
Store phone: (559) 635-8807
Store phone: (559) 735-9124
Nails 2000
Store phone: (559) 635-8092
Original Teriyaki Grill
Store phone: (559) 625-9759
Store phone: (559) 636-2996
Q-Imaging Shot
Store phone: (559) 627-6131
Rick & Nachos
Store phone: (559) 636-6088
Styles for Less
Store phone: (559) 734-4694
Takken's Shoes
Store phone: (559) 732-4633
Treasure Island
Store phone: (559) 733-7725
Union Bank Of California
Store phone: (559) 627-8701
Village East
Store phone: (559) 713-4946
Visalia Mall Police Sub-Station