Fast Food and Restaurants - Westfield Garden State Plaza - Paramus, New Jersey
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Fast Food and Restaurants

List of Fast Food and Restaurants in Westfield Garden State Plaza (Paramus, NJ).

Store phone: 201-843-6250
Arthur Treacher's Fish N Chips

Store phone: 201-843-1388
Auntie Anne's Pretzels

Store phone: 201-909-0009
Blimpie Subs & Salads

Store phone: 201-368-1772
Bourbon Street Grill

Store phone: 201-291-7750
Cafe Europa

Store phone: 201-587-0005
California Pizza Kitchen

Store phone: 201-226-0600

Store phone: 201-291-0666

Store phone: 201-291-0040
Dunkin Donuts

Store phone: 201-843-6250
Everything Yogurt

Store phone: 201-291-1666
Gloria Jean's Coffees

Store phone: 201-9090399
Grand Lux Cafe

Store phone: (201) 843-7991
Great Steak & Potato

Store phone: 201-845-6388
Great Wraps

Store phone: 201-712-0154

Store phone: 201-843-0674
Jamba Juice

Store phone: 201-843-8858
Joe's American Bar & Grill

Store phone: 201-291-1700
Johnny Rockets

Store phone: 201-843-6250

Store phone: (201) 301-2743
La Isla Empanada

Store phone: 201-843-8483
Legal Sea Foods

Store phone: 201-291-8715

Store phone: 201-843-2950
Mrs. Fields

Store phone: 201-845-5555
Napa Valley Grille

Store phone: 201-845-6266
Nathan's Famous

Store phone: 201-843-1122
Nordstrom Cafe

Store phone: 201-368-3380
On The Border

Store phone: 201-843-0990
Papa Razzi

Store phone: 201-909-8800
Pretzel Time

Store phone: 201-845-6388
Ranch 1

Store phone: 201-291-9388
Roman Delight

Store phone: 201-843-1066
Ruby Thai Kitchen

Store phone: 201-909-0886
Ruby Tuesday

Store phone: 201-291-0381
Sarku Japan

Store phone: 201-843-4471

Store phone: 201-843-6250
South Philly Steak & Fries

Store phone: 201-556-1991

Store phone: 201-843-8777
Sweet Spot

Store phone: 201-291-1800

Store phone: 201-845-3110

Store phone: 201-368-0111
Wetzel's Pretzels

Store phone: 201-843-4142
Yeung's Lotus Express