provides a comprehensive list of Nova Scotia shopping malls and outlets organized by city names. For your shopping convenience we provide also store directories for selected Nova Scotia shopping centers, as well as direct links to most store websites for online shopping and exclusive, web only offers.
Nova Scotia Malls - Major Cities
Nova Scotia Malls - All Cities
Top 4 Largest Nova Scotia Malls
Bedford Place Mall
Bedford, NS
Bedford Place Mall is located at Hwys 101, 102, 7 and Bedford Highway, Bedford NS
Bedford, NS
Bedford Place Mall is located at Hwys 101, 102, 7 and Bedford Highway, Bedford NS
Greenwood Mall - Zellers Centre
Greenwood, NS
Greenwood Mall - Zellers Centre is located at Central and Kingswood Aves., Greenwood NS
Greenwood, NS
Greenwood Mall - Zellers Centre is located at Central and Kingswood Aves., Greenwood NS