provides a comprehensive list of Oklahoma City malls and outlets (Oklahoma). For your shopping convenience we provide also store directories for selected Oklahoma City shopping centers, as well as direct links to most store websites for online shopping and exclusive, web only offers.
The list of Oklahoma City malls below is sorted by malls Gross Leasable Area (GLA).
Quail Springs Mall
Quail Springs Mall is enclosed mall located at Memorial Rd. bet. May and Penn Aves., Oklahoma City OK
Quail Springs Mall is enclosed mall located at Memorial Rd. bet. May and Penn Aves., Oklahoma City OK
Penn Square Mall
Penn Square Mall is enclosed mall located at Northwest Expwy. and N. Pennsylvania Ave., Oklahoma City OK
Penn Square Mall is enclosed mall located at Northwest Expwy. and N. Pennsylvania Ave., Oklahoma City OK
Westgate Marketplace
Address: 6103 Southwest 3rd Street, Oklahoma City, OK 73128 Phone: (405) 232-3242
Westgate Marketplace is open air mall located at SW 3rd. Street and Meridian Ave. Just Off I-40, Oklahoma City OK
Address: 6103 Southwest 3rd Street, Oklahoma City, OK 73128 Phone: (405) 232-3242
Westgate Marketplace is open air mall located at SW 3rd. Street and Meridian Ave. Just Off I-40, Oklahoma City OK
French Market
Address: 6407 N Macarthur Blvd Oklahoma City, OK Phone: (405) 773-0370
French Market is open air mall located at North West 63rd. Street and North May Ave., Oklahoma City OK
Address: 6407 N Macarthur Blvd Oklahoma City, OK Phone: (405) 773-0370
French Market is open air mall located at North West 63rd. Street and North May Ave., Oklahoma City OK